Greetings my Friends and a big warm welcome to my site
I am an Artist with a strong sense of purpose
This Purpose is literally informing all that I do in my own life
& could be shortened to the full embodied,
Re-awakening of our innate human Creativity in all areas of our lives
Creativity as a way of LIVING, and my work is committed
to the creation of LIVING ENVIRONMENTS that allow for our most precious gift:
our CreatorBeingness to become OUR WAY OF LIFE!
Right Now i am creating the first physical PILOT LiquidSkies
and to raise the funds i am launching the ImageBank
Selections of my Art work

In regards to How to practically instigate Lasting! Change, I created what could be termed
<<<<< Solution - Blueprints>>>>> I
Long-term strategic COMMUNITY-BUILDING solutions,
Blueprints for the conscious creation of LIVING ENVIRONMENTS
in order to PRACTICALLY (re-) anchor
Aspects of these "exportable Scale-able universal Package solutions"
are featured with their individual website links in the INVEST section
My latest additions to this pool of <<exportable Solutions >>
is based on what is now known as "Recycling Art or Upscaling",
something i have done since i can remember
alongside my more "traditional classic Fine Art"
And just like the ImageBank "Keep It Rollin" is designed to be turn into
an entrepreneurial/ educational Franchise-type platform
which i would love to make available to people all around the world.!
This particular blueprint is super rich in hands-on SOLUTIONS
and its practical application doesnt just allow for turning "waste"
into amazing products, functional/ aesthetic Art,
but can literally provide for the skills and knowledge
to build ENTIRE worlds, shelters and landscapes
let alone the beauty of organically imparting
natural social/ Self-caring and actual
life skills in real PHYSICAL environments
as an exeptional potent antidote and remedy
for all pressing challenges the transhumanist take-over attempts
of humanity AND our shared worlds are posing everywhere
and we getting closer:::)))
© 2015 by mOna
So YES Please
let the right business-partner come forward nOw
to take charge of admin tech/ marketing and general business side
of marketing those first 22 images and CREATE the imagebank together.
and i am happily sharing my WEALTH and introduce you to my world
So hit me up! and send me your pitch -----))))