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SWAY - Acoustic Cover
Singing is one of my greatest passions ever & like many people I never dared to follow through with any of it,
well until my known realities crumbled in 2007 & forced me to re-consider everything...
At this particular moment I am focusing on covers, c
reating my own unique spins on existing songs, especially the ones everybody loves...
I am in the process of designing a Cabaret show going along side my first Solo exhibition in in the spring of 2016, where I am also freeing myself from the guitar & instead work with different musicians around individual songs that i love mmh lets say giving it a bit of a re-interpretation Mona style!
Lots of my future plans for projects are involving Sound
A specific one, I call SNAKE could start as early as I find someone ready to do all the admin/ organisation and social marketing
(yes Please DO contact me at
SNAKE is essentially a regular moving meditation, Carneval style, celebrating life, reclaiming public spaces, starting here in London...
SNAKE is ultimately a moving free creative expression platform for all, yet I do dream about interspersing a "corsett of universal spiritual songs", that also begin and end every time humanity walks together (which could take off in other places around the world)
SNAKE is like most things of universal nature EXPORTABLE and me thinks if many of us awake are hitting the streets
at the same time with the same peaceful unifying intention of positive world change singing and dancing together!
That this could indeed become very powerful!
Singing is one of my greatest passions ever & like many people I never dared to follow through with any of it, well until my known realities started crumbled in 2007 & forced me to re-consider everything...
At this particular moment I am focusing on covers, c
reating my own unique spins on existing songs, especially the ones everybody loves...
I am in the process of designing a Cabaret show going along side my first Solo exhibition in in the spring of 2016, where I am also freeing myself from the guitar & instead work with different musicians around individual songs that i love mmh lets say giving it a bit of a re-interpretation Mona style!
Lots of my future plans for projects are involving Sound
A specific one, I call SNAKE could start as early as I find someone ready to do all the admin/ organisation and social marketing
(yes Please DO contact me at
SNAKE is essentially a regular moving meditation, Carneval style, celebrating life, reclaiming public spaces, starting here in London...
SNAKE is ultimately a moving free creative expression platform for all, yet I do dream about interspersing a "corsett of universal spiritual songs", that also begin and end every time humanity walks together (which could take off in other places around the world)
SNAKE is like most things of universal nature EXPORTABLE and me thinks if many of us awake are hitting the streets at the same time with the same peaceful unifying intention of positive world change singing and dancing together!
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